This session is done fully clothed.
Energy is the prime mover of all we see and know. You change the energy and your body has to respond. – Christine Northrup, M.D.
In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, (Nobel Laureate in Medicine)
Energy Medicine is the next big frontier in medicine– Mehmet Oz, M.D.
Eden Energy Medicine can help:
- Boost your vitality and stamina
- Strengthen your immune system
- Relieve pain and common complaints
- Sharpen your mind and memory
- Keep yourself healthy and balanced with a simple Daily Energy Routine
What is Eden Energy Medicine?
- It is a method of working directly with the body’s energy systems to help create health and wellness.
- It is a complete system for self-care and a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled practitioner. It complements conventional medical treatment.
- In Eden Energy Medicine, energy is the medicine and energy is also the patient.
- Energy interventions heal the body (energy as the medicine) and also repair disrupted energies (energy as the patient).
- Eden Energy Medicine teaches specific techniques that can be used to activate the body’s natural healing abilities. This can help restore vital energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance.
- Energy Medicine draws upon ancient healing & spiritual practices such as Acupressure, qi gong, and yoga and combines them with modern scientific understanding, and applies them in highly effective ways. This creates an energetic environment within that supports health, vitality, and healing.
- Energy Medicine is not a belief system.
How Energy Medicine Works
Energy Medicine works to increase your overall health and vitality, and it can also help optimize cell, organ and bodily repair. The flow, balance, and harmony within your energy system can be strengthened and maintained by:
- Tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or connecting specific energy points on your skin;
- Tracing or swirling a hand over the skin above specific energy pathways or centers;
- Exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects;
- Focused use of the mind to move specific energies; or
- Surrounding an area with healing energies.
Your Energy Medicine session is tailored to your needs using Applied Kinesiology to find the Meridian system(s) that need balancing and you will learn specific energy exercises to do at home for self-care.
Click on the links below to learn about the Daily Energy Routine and other energy exercises and follow along to balance your energies!
Wednesday Energy Minute:
Prune Harris, Imaginal Health: